SANA Report launch - Persistent Perils: The Illicit Proliferation of MANPADS in the Middle East and North Africa
Friday 26 April 2024 | 15:30 - 16:45 CET
Online (via Webex)
The Small Arms Survey's Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) project is delighted to invite you to the online launch of its latest publication, Persistent Perils: The Illicit Proliferation of MANPADS in the Middle East and North Africa, on Friday, 26 April, from 15:30 to 16:45 CET.
The Report provides an in-depth analysis of the proliferation of MANPADS in North Africa and the Middle East from 2015–23. It builds upon previous Small Arms Survey studies on illicit MANPADS in the region, including a 2014 Issue Brief on Syria and a 2015 Issue Brief on North Africa. It draws on imagery and data collected since 2015 to identify the type, model, generation, and country of design/manufacture of illicit MANPADS in the region.
The online launch will feature a brief presentation on the report and its main findings by the author, Matt Schroeder. Matt is a Senior Researcher at the Small Arms Survey where he studies the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons and strategies for mitigating the threat from illicit weapons. Matt is the author of numerous Small Arms Survey publications, including The Illicit Possession and Transfer of MANPADS: A Global Assessment, which provides an analysis of illicit MANPADS acquisition globally since 2011. Check out some of his other publications here.
This publication and launch were made possible through the generous support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.